Moving web hosting involves transferring your website files, databases, and other hosting-related configurations from one hosting provider to another. When you move your hosting, you move your website’s entire infrastructure, including the server space, bandwidth, and other features.
When moving your web hosting to, you may need to migrate your website’s database. This article will guide you through Creating a Database and transferring a MySQL database to your account.
Creating a MySQL database in your cPanel
Prior to importing your database (sql) file. The database, user and password may need to be created at cPanel. A database can only be created within the cPanel on MySQL Databases area. You will encounter an error uploading your database if it is not created beforehand.
In this page you can:
- Create New Database
- Add New User
- Add user to database
- Manage User Privileges
To create a new database in your cPanel dashboard, locate MySQL Databases under Databases area.
1. Enter your preferred Database name >> Click Create Database.
2. Enter your preferred Database user name >> set strong Password >> Click Create user.
3. Now Add the database user to the database.
>> Select the User and Database from the dropdown list >> Click Add.
On the next popup window set the Database privileges.
4. You can select ALL PRIVILEGES, to allow all privileges, or select individually >> Once done click Make Changes to save settings.
* Note: Renaming a Database is not possible once it is created. You may need to delete then create a new database if you want to rename/ change your database.
Importing your database
Now a Database and Database user has been created, we can now import the database sql file.
If your SQL backup file is under 64 MB, it can be imported into your new database via phpMyAdmin. You may need to split your SQL into smaller parts if back-up is more than 64 MB.
1. To upload, access cPanel directly through your account.
2. Once you have reached the cPanel dashboard, locate phpMyAdmin under Databases.
3. Select the destination database on the left pane, then click Import.
4. Under the File to import section, click Choose file and locate the file with the .sql extension you wish to import. Toggle On or Off for Partial import and Other options.
5. From the Format drop-down menu, choose SQL. Click Import to import the database. Done.