Z.com Philippines

Web Hosting (cPanel)

Helpful guides about purchasing, transferring and managing your hosting at Z.com

cPanel: Website Securities

Learn and discover about SSL certificates, redirect URLs and add IP addresses

Change PHP version

Common web page errors

Connect to FTP account

Cost and features of our web hosting

Create email address

Enable SSH

Export a database over SSH

Export MySQL databases

Full Backup in cPanel

How to access Webmail?

How to change the time zone in Webmail

How to migrate my database to Z.com?

Import SQL files into a MySQL database

Install a custom SSL

Install Drupal using cPanel

Install Joomla using cPanel

Install Magento using cPanel

Install WordPress using cPanel

Migrate your website to Z.com

My website was hacked. What should I do?

Purchase our Web Hosting service

Restore a backup

Set up my email in Gmail

Set up my email in Outlook

Setup PHP error logging

Symlink function in PHP

Uninstall the SSL certificate

Upload backups with FTP

Upload Website contents via FTP

What is FTP?

What is PHP?