To create an account with, you may have to place an order for any of our domains, web hosting, or business email services. You will be asked to fill out the Client Information form at the checkout page during the ordering process.
To create an account:
1. Visit our website and order your desired service.
* offers several services, such as domains, web hosting plans, business email by Titan, personal email, Google Workspace, and MiraWEB.
2. Click Buy Now to get started with the account creation.
In this case, let us buy a web hosting service to proceed with the account creation, for an example.
3. Choose I already have a domain if you already have one. Otherwise, search your preferred domain availability for registration at the same time.
4. In the Sign up/Sign in section, enter the Email Address and Password you wish to use for your new account. After entering your details, click Sign up and Send Verification Code to validate your email address. Check your inbox and spam/junk folder.
* Shortly, you will receive an email from us containing a verification code.
5. Validate your email to complete the account creation process. Enter the code and click Verify Now.
6. Once your email is verified, please complete the three sections of the Checkout form, then click Pay Now to create your account and proceed with your payment settlement.
• Client Information: Fill out all required fields
• Purchase Information: Confirm your order details
• Payment: Select your preferred payment method
7. Click Go to My account to login to your account.