Domain transfer completion is determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the current registry rules. Typically, the domain transfer process takes 30 minutes to 6 business days.
Can we expedite the domain transfer process?
Unfortunately, nothing can be done to speed up the domain transfer process. As long as you have done everything correctly (visit our domain transfer page for the full checklist to ensure a smooth transition for your domain), the transfer will take 30 minutes to 6 business days.
*If the losing registrar receives an email regarding the domain transfer confirmation sent to the registrant’s email, the domain transfer will be processed immediately upon confirmation. If there is no email confirmation, wait 30 minutes to 6 business days for the process to be completed automatically.
Can I make changes to a domain while it is being transferred?
It is important to note that you cannot make any changes to your domain during the active transfer process. This includes updating nameservers, changing WHOIS registration information, and renewing domain registration.
If any of the above changes are urgently needed, the outgoing (current) registrar must cancel the domain transfer process.
You may also click here for a guide on transferring your domain to